ell: The Language Model Programming Library

ell is a lightweight prompt engineering library treating prompts as functions. After years of building and using language models at OpenAI and in the startup ecosystem, ell was designed from the following principles:

Prompts are programs, not strings

import ell

def hello(world: str):
    """You are a helpful assistant""" # System prompt
    name = world.capitalize()
    return f"Say hello to {name}!" # User prompt

hello("sam altman") # just a str, "Hello Sam Altman! ..."
ell demonstration

Prompts aren’t just strings; they are all the code that leads to strings being sent to a language model. In ell, we think of one particular way of using a language model as a discrete subroutine called a language model program (LMP).

LMPs are fully encapsulated functions that produce either a string prompt or a list of messages to be sent to various multimodal language models. This encapsulation creates a clean interface for users, who only need to be aware of the required data specified to the LMP.

Prompt engineering is an optimization process

The process of prompt engineering involves many iterations, similar to the optimization processes in machine learning. Because LMPs are just functions, ell provides rich tooling for this process.

ell demonstration

ell provides automatic versioning and serialization of prompts through static and dynamic analysis and gpt-4o-mini autogenerated commit messages directly to a local store. This process is similar to checkpointing in a machine learning training loop, but it doesn’t require any special IDE or editor - it’s all done with regular Python code.

 import ell

 ell.init(store='./logdir')  # Versions your LMPs and their calls

 # ... define your lmps

 hello("strawberry") # the source code of the LMP the call is saved to the store

Tools for monitoring, versioning, and visualization

ell demonstration
ell-studio --storage ./logdir

Prompt engineering goes from a dark art to a science with the right tools. Ell Studio is a local, open source tool for prompt version control, monitoring, visualization. With Ell Studio you can empiricize your prompt optimziation process over time and catch regressions before its too late.

Test-time compute is important

Going from a demo to something that actually works, often means prompt engineering solutions that involve multiple calls to a language model. By forcing a functional decomposition of the problem, ell makes it easy to implement test-time compute leveraged techniques in a readable and modular way.

ell demonstration
import ell

@ell.simple(model="gpt-4o-mini", temperature=1.0, n=10)
def write_ten_drafts(idea : str):
   """You are an adept story writer. The story should only be 3 paragraphs"""
   return f"Write a story about {idea}."

@ell.simple(model="gpt-4o", temperature=0.1)
def choose_the_best_draft(drafts : List[str]):
   """You are an expert fiction editor."""
   return f"Choose the best draft from the following list: {'\n'.join(drafts)}."

drafts = write_ten_drafts(idea)

best_draft = choose_the_best_draft(drafts) # Best of 10 sampling.

Every call to a language model is valuable

Every call to a language model is worth its weight in credits. In practice, LLM invocations are used for fine tuning, distillation, k-shot prompting, reinforcement learning from human feedback, and more. A good prompt engineering system should capture these as first class concepts.

ell demonstration

In addition to storing the source code of every LMP, ell optionally saves every call to a language model locally. This allows you to generate invocaiton datasets, compare LMP outputs by version, and generally do more with the full spectrum of prompt engineering artifacts.

Complexity when you need it, simplicity when you don’t

Using language models is just passing strings around, except when it’s not.

import ell

def scrape_website(url : str):
   return requests.get(url).text

@ell.complex(model="gpt-5-omni", tools=[scrape_website])
def get_news_story(topic : str):
   return [
      ell.system("""Use the web to find a news story about the topic"""),
      ell.user(f"Find a news story about {topic}.")

message_response = get_news_story("stock market")
if message_response.tool_calls:
   for tool_call in message_response.tool_calls:
if message_response.text:
if message_response.audio:
   # message_response.play_audio() supprot for multimodal outputs will work as soon as the LLM supports it

Using @ell.simple causes LMPs to yield simple string outputs. But when more complex or multimodal output is needed, @ell.complex can be used to yield Message objects responses from language mdoels.

Multimodality should be first class

LLMs can process and generate various types of content, including text, images, audio, and video. Prompt engineering with these data types should be as easy as it is with text.

from PIL import Image
import ell

@ell.simple(model="gpt-4o", temperature=0.1)
def describe_activity(image: Image.Image):
   return [
      ell.system("You are VisionGPT. Answer <5 words all lower case."),
      ell.user(["Describe what the person in the image is doing:", image])

# Capture an image from the webcam
describe_activity(capture_webcam_image()) # "they are holding a book"
ell demonstration

ell supports rich type coercion for multimodal inputs and outputs. You can use PIL images, audio, and other multimodal inputs inline in Message objects returned by LMPs.

Prompt engineering libraries shouldn’t interfere with your workflow

ell is designed to be a lightweight and unobtrusive library. It doesn’t require you to change your coding style or use special editors.

ell demonstration

You can continue to use regular Python code in your IDE to define and modify your prompts, while leveraging ell’s features to visualize and analyze your prompts. Migrate from langchain to ell one function at a time.

To get started with ell, see the Getting Started section, or go onto Installation and get ell installed.